Tag Archives: big band

festivals: beers and bratwursts

30 Sep

You might think Oktoberfest = Germany. But throughout the United States, and presumably other countries they’ve started their own Oktoberfests, one right here in Alpine Village

Oktoberfest is held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights in the month of September and October, admission being $10.

A little bio about Alpine Village: It’s located in Torrance California (so carpooling is a reasonable option) and besides Oktoberfest it’s also home to shops, restaurants, special events, and free dance lessons to live bands; whether it’s swing, salsa, or rock and roll.

And if you’re worried about it being too California, don’t worry because : “Traditional Bavarian fun is supplied by Oom Pah Pah big bands flown in direct from Germany, your belly is sated by traditional German fare, and your thirst is quenched by delicious German beers. ”

So eat, drink, and be merry in ‘The Little Village from the Alps’